2010. április 11., vasárnap

Three days of odd radius in a row

Sometimes odd radius halos come day after another. In April 1987 I observed three consecutive days of odd radius halos and in April 1996 Jarmo Moilanen had four days in a row. On both periods there was also one night with moon odd radius halos.

The three displays shown above were seen on successive days in Tampere on the period of 31 March to 2 April this year ( 1 ). Abundant start of odd radius halos may indicate a good year of high cloud halos coming. 1987 and 1996 were the best high cloud halo years in Finland.

Other displays from this spring:

  • odd radius by Patrik Trncak in Holesov on 9 April

  • odd radius by Patrik Trncak in Holesov on 1 April

  • odd radius by Nikita Kulanov in St. Petersburg on 30 March

  • odd radius by Jukka Ruoskanen in Kotka on 27 March

  • Wegener by Ágnes Kiricsi in Budabest on 27 March

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