2008. november 20., csütörtök

Blue spot

Yet another photo of the 5/6 November night in Rovaniemi shows blue spot on the right. The diamond dust was often quite thick with no stars visible above, and in the lamp light it felt like being inside a crystal storm.

This is a single photo with some 30s exposure.

7 megjegyzés:

  1. Nice indeed.

  2. Excellent marko who needs to go to the south pole for sweet halos like that when you got a ski resort with snow machines. All you need is a bright light and you camera then just start taking photos.

  3. It actually takes quite a bit of preparation, skill and perseverance. Marko has gone to great lengths to capture these images. They're the result of very hard work and huge dedication.

  4. Yeah, he is the King alright.

  5. Yeah, wish it were so easy as Michael makes it sound. Already finding a suitable place for photography is sometimes impossible. And even if that goes ok, hundred other thing may go wrong. One being that once you get have got the camera, blocker, lamp and crystal collecting stuff in place, the diamond dust is gone.

    Considering the time spent outside during the night, the number of photos taken is always low, which tells about the invisible work in the process.

  6. Plus sleep is only a theoretical concept for those who seriously hunt this stuff.

    There are lots of ski resorts and other opportunities around the world and yet the halos always land to the same guy. That in itself is rather telling. Before the era of lamp halos Riikonen was still scoring new forms like hardly anyone else.

    Having said that, none of this hard work makes these halos more valuable per se. Similarly, the fact that they're snow gun originated does not make them any less valuable or less "real".

    But the observation is a result of huge efforts and dedication. My hat's off to Marko because of that.

  7. That's all true, indeed. I think we can all learn dedication, stamina and skill from Marko. The crystal cloud may be there, but getting these results and new discoveries is yet another question.
