2008. szeptember 18., csütörtök

Odd radius halos on 8th May

The photos of this diplay got lost somehow and then found again deep inside my harddrive.

The display shows 9, 18, 20, 22 and 24 degree halos, also 9, 20 and 24 column arcs.

This photo is 9 image stack shot at solar elevation of 46.7 degree and the simulation provided by M.Riikonen is made according to this. Pyramidial columns were used with 14 degree tilts plus crystal populations for 22 halo and its tangent arc.

3 megjegyzés:

  1. Congratulations to the two Markos. It's a beautiful image of an odd-radius halo, and the simulation is not only convincing, but very artistic, too.

  2. Yes indeed..a good sim.
    There's probably 35 halo as well..but Marko says that to see it, he have to use eye of faith :)
    As I mentioned I found the lost images and after careful usm'ing some individual frames shows it's there.

    Acutally I don't know whether to add the 35 halo in my statistics database or not.

  3. Let us add, that the simulation was made with Jukka Ruoskanen's software.
