A superb halo complex was observed by Petr Kousal on December 25, 2007 in community of Prichovice. He observed 22° halo, parhelia, pillar and also bright upper tangent arc with sunvex Parry arc. Except for these quite frequent phenomena he observed also Moilanen arc, which tips almost touched the 22° halo ( 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 ).
The best event came when he looked towards anthelion point, where diffuse arcs were clearly visible. This observation of diffuse arcs is the first in the Czech Republic ( 1 - 2 - 3 ).
This display was also captured by Martina Pistorova during her afternoon walk to the outlook-tower Stepanka in Prichovice ( 1 ). Analogous halo complex with Moilanen arc was also observed and photographed by Frantisek Kovarik in community Prichovice ( 1 ).
Also Hana Koukalova observed halo complex in the same community. Faint heliac arc is maybe displayed in one of her pictures ( 1 - 2 ). And finally, also Julia Vachkova observed a few halos together with infralateral arc ( 1 - 2 )
Text: Martin Popek, Lukas Shrbeny
First photo very cool!
VálaszTörlés3 arc, one by one... WoW!
2Marko. Look at my blog, may be some pictures will be intesting to make digest.