The first one was observed by László Henez "Felhőcske" on 16th September near Eger, Hungary. As a born halo-observer, even though he was quite unaware of what he was seeing, he took a picture of not only the sunward halos, but the anthelic side, as well, where about a quarter of the bright white parhelic circle was visible together with a Wegener arc curving downwards towards the anthelic point. The 22° halo and the upper tangent arc were seen in the sky covered with uniform Ci for about half an hour after 8:25 UTC, while the anthelic arcs for only a few minutes. László did not see any 120° parhelia or anthelion. More of László’s photos can be seen here.

In the afternoon of 18th September, an odd radius display appeared with pyramidal 18° and 9° halos besides the 22° one. The photo was taken by "Controll" in Jobbágyi, northern Hungary, but the 18° halo was seen in Budapest by Alex Farkas, too. The display started with a 22° halo and lasted for roughly 40 minutes, until 14:15 UTC. "Controll" reported that she had seen a possible 46° halo as well, but it was at the edge of visiblity. It’s worth having a look at the faint pyramidal crystal parhelia in the picture provided. The full-size photo is also available, together with a panorama image of the display.
Great to see this observation from a neighbouring country! Unfortunately on that day I had no odd radius in Transylvania, but there will always be new chances....