2006. április 21., péntek

Tranquility of a high-sun halo display

This fairly decent high-sun display was captured while I was on lunch break. Although there were no rare halos but there was 22d halo, circumscribed halo, smooth complete parhelic circle, and faint circumhorizon arc. The best part in my opinion was the parhelic circle. I have applied unsharp mask to bring the halos out better. Photos were taken on the 11th.

1 megjegyzés:

  1. Frank Nieuwenhuys2006. április 22. 0:28

    Looks jolly relaxed indeed!
    Michael, where did you make the pictures? If it's somewhere on the northern hemisphere, the location has to be South of 40 deg. North, on April 11th, because the circumhorizon arc requires at least 59 deg. solar elevation.
