2006. április 26., szerda
Complex display with odd radius column arcs in Finland

2006. április 23., vasárnap
Elliptic halos over Deventer

2006. április 21., péntek
Tranquility of a high-sun halo display

2006. április 16., vasárnap
Color change
Because the black backgound and white text combination caused quite strong after image which disturbed watching the photos, we have changed the background to less contrasting grey.
Full moon display in Finland

The photo here, taken by Ruoskanen, shows many features of interest. First there is Parry arc above the 22° tangent arc. Second, there are Lowitz arcs. They are best revealed by the gap (shown with an arrow) in the 22° halo at parhelia level. Also, curving of 22° halo towards parhelia is evident.
Third feature of interest is the 9° halo and the dark area inside it. Sometimes 9° halo is not seen in individual photos, but the conspicious darkening inside the halo location tells about it's existence. Stacking several photos then brings out the halo. The image here was stacked from 18 photos, but 9° halo was visible also in individual photos.
Finallly, there seems to be also suggestion of 9° upper plate arc, seen as an enhancement on top of 9° halo.
2006. április 6., csütörtök
Lunar Tricker arc and lower sunvex Parry arc in Finland

Other rare halo in the display is a lower sunvex Parry arc which was found later in one slide. Lower sunvex Parry arc is even rarer than Tricker arc. Unfortunately it is only faintly visible below lower tangent arc near horizon. In the lower picture picture red arrows points the red inner edge of lower sunvex Parry arc. Picture is enhanced to show the faint arc better.

More photos taken by Olli Sälevä can be found here (rescanned versions will be upload later).
2006. április 5., szerda
Odd radius halos and diffuse arcs in Fairbanks

In addition to diffuse arcs, another curiosity was also seen: odd radius column arcs. While they are regularly observed in high clouds, in diamond dust they have occurred only once before, at South Pole. The photo above, taken by Tape, shows poorly developed 9° odd radius column arcs as enhancements on the sides of the 9° halo.
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